Description A sophisticated take on a Fairfax & Favor classic, the Women's Mini Windsor Handbag is an exact replica of the classic Windsor. This beautiful bag is designed to a smaller size but of course still offers the upmost style, making it a staple for any fashion forward lady's wardrobe. Hand made from a 100% leather exterior, we know that you will love the premium, chic feel that this bag boasts, with a full suede lining offering an added touch of luxury. Perfect for taking with you whether you are off out to the shops or simply heading for a stroll in the country, the Windsor features two grab handles to the top, as well as a detachable shoulder strap so that you can carry the bag with ease and comfort even on those days when you need to keep your hands free. This chic leather and suede bag has a large main compartment, along with a zipped internal pocket that provides ample space for your personal essentials making it ideal for everyday wear. The Windsor bag is finished with a signature, changeable Fairfax & Favor tassel, gold embossed logo and shield, and four studs to the base to keep it in stunning condition through this season and beyond.
Women's Fairfax & Favor The Mini Windsor Handbag
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